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Appearance Matters: Why Property Managers Should Prioritize Aesthetics and Functionality

From asphalt revamps to concrete transformations, Swan Co. reveals the deep-seated role of appearance in property management. Explore case studies and elevate your property's appeal today.
Enhance your property's first impression by addressing the details.

When one first sets foot on a property, the first thing they’re met with is its appearance.

From the smooth, pristine quality of an asphalt path to the clear demarcations of a parking lot, the visuals of a property create the initial impression.

Property managers, you understand this better than most.

Just as one wouldn’t wear unkempt clothes to a formal meeting, no property should present itself as anything less than impeccable.

Case Study 1: The Power of a First Impression

Imagine this: you’re approaching a business complex for a crucial meeting. As you pull into the parking lot, you notice cracks, potholes, and faded parking lines.

As you walk towards the building, the concrete pathway under your feet feels uneven, and a rusty bollard almost trips you up. Would you feel confident about the meeting or the businesses in this complex? Perhaps not.

Parking area transformation

One particular site we recently encountered brings to light just how transformative timely maintenance can be.

Initially, this area had started showing its age with visible cracks and the unmistakable signs of wear. For any property manager, such issues can be worrisome, not only for the optics but for the broader implications of deterioration.

When it came time to fix up the area, we used a tailored renovation plan.

We started with the “mill & pave” method. This is like giving the top layer of asphalt a fresh start by milling off the failed pavement & installing top coat asphalt.

Then, we took care of the little cracks. Even though they might look small, they can become big problems later. So, sealing these cracks is like patching up small holes in your clothes to stop them from getting bigger.

Next, we added a seal coat. Think of this like a shield. It’s a layer that protects the ground from getting worn out quickly.

And to finish it all off, we painted new pavement markings. This step made everything look clear and organized, just like how it was when it was first made.

And just like that, we have a refreshed parking area that not only looks terrific, but also protects it from very costly damage and issues that would have occurred without addressing all of those little issues.

Case Study 2: Beyond Just Aesthetics

Let’s get one thing clear – managing a property isn’t just about making things look nice. It’s about making sure everything works right, keeps people safe, and lasts as long as possible.

Imagine having a car that looks shiny but breaks down all the time. That wouldn’t be good, right?

Similarly, for properties, what’s underneath and how it functions is super important.

The bollard story

Take those big poles, called bollards, for example.

If they’re rusty or missing, they’re not just ugly; they can be dangerous. They’re there to protect important stuff like big electrical boxes called transformers.

If something were to hit a transformer because a bollard was missing, it could cause a lot of trouble, like power outages, work delays, and of course: a loss of revenue. (Hey, who can work without power?)

We recently worked on a commercial property where the bollards were in pretty bad shape.

Some were rusty, some damaged, and one was totally gone. This was a problem, especially because one of those transformers was now unprotected. If something went wrong, it could’ve caused blackouts for the businesses it feeds.

After fixing things up, not only did the place look better, but it was also much safer. The photos taken after the job clearly show this improvement.

For all you property managers, this story is a reminder: Your job is super important.

Looking after the small details, like fixing bollards, shows you really care about the place and the people who use it.

Case Study 3: The First Step Tells a Story

When you approach a building, the pathway under your feet tells a story.

A smooth, well-maintained path might make you think, “Wow, the people here really care!” On the other hand, a path full of cracks and bumps could leave you feeling unsure about what’s waiting inside.

It’s a bit like reading the first page of a book – that opening paragraph can give you a good feel for the whole story.

A tale of two concrete pathways

A little while ago, we gave some attention to two concrete pathways at a commercial building.

The first, a proud side entryway that had seen countless footsteps.

The other, a quieter path that rested in the back of a building.

Over the years, both had faced the test of time, weather, and wear. They told stories of age with their cracks and uneven patches.

We have replaced enough concrete areas to know that redoing a concrete walkway or pad isn’t just about pouring some mix and letting it set.

It’s a calculated process that considers the ground underneath, the expected foot traffic or load capacity, and the environment around it. It’s about preparing the base, ensuring proper drainage, choosing the right mix, and setting it with care so that it lasts for years to come.

After putting in that effort and understanding, these two old paths were transformed.

They weren’t just paths anymore; they were inviting routes that set a positive tone for everyone walking on them. Ok, maybe that’s a little dramatic, but the point is it’s much nicer than what it was before!

It’s the Small Details

Property managers have a lot on their plate. And sometimes, it’s easy to dismiss the little issues, thinking they won’t cause trouble.

But here’s the catch: little problems can, and often do, grow into big ones.

A tiny crack on a path might seem trivial today. Leave it be, and tomorrow, rain might seep in, followed by weeds pushing through, turning that little crack into a major hazard.

That slightly bent pole standing guard over an important piece of equipment? It might seem fine until something or someone mistakenly bumps into the equipment, causing harm or disruption in the operation of businesses.

Taking proactive steps, anticipating potential issues, and addressing them head-on is the hallmark of an exceptional property manager.

This foresight doesn’t just ensure the property looks good; it safeguards against potential future liabilities.

The Key Takeaway

To all the property managers out there: your role is pivotal.

Every tiny detail you pay attention to, every repair or maintenance job you commission, speaks volumes about your commitment to the property and its occupants. ‘

The appearance of a property is its visual resume. It tells visitors, clients, and stakeholders the story of meticulous care, proactive management, and the relentless pursuit of excellence.

At Swan Co. Asphalt and Concrete, we understand this ethos deeply.

Together, let’s ensure every property tells a story of excellence, foresight, and unwavering commitment. Because, in the end, appearance truly matters.

By this point, you likely have a clear idea of the next steps. Reach out to us, and together, let’s make sure your property genuinely reflects your standards and vision.


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